Food Safety Law

Our expert food safety lawyers are able to deal with the legal aspects of food hygiene and food safety issues, including enforcement action through prosecutions and notices relating to foreign bodies, food quality, food allergens, premises hygiene standards, hygiene rating schemes, HACCP, training and inspections.
Follow us on Twitter : @FoodLawyers
Health & Safety at Work

From asbestos to zoonoses, our health and safety lawyers have a wide experience of health and safety at work issues including prosecutions, prohibition notices, improvement notices and cautions. The legal skills of our lawyers are complimented by a practical knowledge of health and safety matters.
Follow us on Twitter : @SafetyLawyers
Fire Safety Law

We have a niche practice in relation to fire safety enforcement, particularly dealing with prosecutions and enforcement notices. To try and avoid action occurring, we can provide you with compliance advice and put you in contact with reputable fire safety professionals.
Follow us on Twitter : @FireSolicitors