Interview under caution

Interview under cautionWith most issues of health and safety, an investigating officer will wish to conduct an interview under caution if an offence is suspected.  Such an interview is normally tape recorded but can also be done by recording the questions and answers in a notebook.  There are precise rules about the way that an interview must be conducted, which are contained within the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and the codes of practice made under that legislation.

In most circumstances, the person being interviewed is not under arrest and there is a choice to be made as to whether or not to attend.  Sometimes, it is better to agree to answer written questions, but this depends on all of the circumstances.

Recorded interviews are an opportunity not only to answer the questions posed, but also for you to give information that might avoid any further enforcement action.  It is vital to approach these in the right manner and we can help by developing a strategy with you and accompanying you to the interview.

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01491 729 454
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You can contact us during office hours on

01491 729 454

If the matter is urgent and cannot wait, call us or send a What’sApp message to us on

07 933 944 000

Please note that we do not deal with personal injury claims.